What is the State of Arizona Leaders Connect Program (SALC)?
The State of Arizona Leaders Connect Program (SALC) develops state agency leaders to be collaborative and hold one another accountable to improve the lives of the people of Arizona.
At SALC, you will:
- Access a series of short and inspirational master classes emphasizing effective public sector leadership, collective impact, and collaborative problem-solving.
- Gain a deeper understanding of the future of state government and a greater awareness of the policies impacting Arizonans.
- Build authentic working relationships with peers through mentorship, peer learning, and networking by committing to and fully participating in the SALC Program as defined.
- Foster a culture of collaborative problem-solving and learning through Communities of Practice (CoPs), and learning pods.
Who is eligible to apply?
We are looking for innovative and promising leaders within the state who:
- Currently manage people, teams, or are strategic individual contributors who play key roles in an agency’s executive team; AND
- Hold leadership positions up to 4 levels below the agency director (e.g., DD, ADs, ADDs, Section Manager), AND
- Have at least 2 years with the State and are committed to continuing their leadership career in state government
Is there a cost to participate?
There is no cost to participate in this program.
How can I apply?
To apply, you must first be nominated. You can be nominated by your agency leader, any SALC member, or you can self-nominate. All nominees must meet the eligibility criteria. Once you are nominated and successfully screened for eligibility, the SALC Coordinator will reach out to you and send you an application.
All applications are put through a selection process which goes through June.
What are the program’s key elements and development opportunities?
Attend a 2.5-day event with your Cohort of approximately 30 people, ( speakers, networking, learning, etc). Typically, the event is held in August and October.
After becoming a SALC member, you can participate in several networking opportunities that consist of bi-monthly scheduled networking and learning events, a mentorship partnership, and learning groups focused on Change Management and Problem Solving.
Opportunities to hear from and engage with the Governor's Office, CEOs/Directors, and other leadership experts at the various events and 'touchpoints.'
What is the selection process?
Nominations Process:
- March 18: Receive nomination form, target profile, and program descriptions.
- April 5: Submit nominations. We will verify the eligibility of all nominees by April 12.
Nominee Outreach:
- April 15: Nominees will be contacted and encouraged to apply.
- May 3: Applications are due.
Participant Selection:
- May 20: The committee (composed of past SALC members) will begin to review applicants.
- June 28: The committee meets to select qualified participants.
- July 12: If accepted, participants will receive the assigned event date in their decision letter.
What are the expectations and requirements of participants?
All selected participants are required to attend the 2.5-day leadership class at the Flinn Foundation. As an active SALC member, we expect active participation with the goal of growing your professional network and improving your leadership abilities. You will have the exclusive opportunity to engage in the Learning Groups, Mentorship, and bi-monthly scheduled events.
Will participation help my career in government?
There is no guarantee or special consideration for succession is granted to SALC participants. However, as participants strengthen and expand their skills and networks through engagement in the program, it is anticipated that any professional growth will help you perform as a people-centered leader, and increase your visibility and developmental opportunities.
What networking opportunities are available?
Grow your professional network by interacting and building connections at the initial 2.5-day event and continue to build and solidify connections by collaborating and sharing knowledge at one or both Learning Groups as a 'member,’ serving as a mentor or mentee with SALC peers, and actively engaging at breakouts that typically are part of scheduled learning and networking events. There are also opportunities to be a part of the Steering Committee and/or the Selection Committee.
What developmental and growth opportunities are offered?
Attend a 2.5-day event with your Cohort of approximately 30 people,(speakers, networking, learning etc)
Following the 2.5-day event, participants will be able to:
- Attend 2+ scheduled networking and learning events, mentor partnerships
- Participate in two distinct Communities of Practice/Learning Groups focused on change management and problem-solving
- Opportunities to hear from and engage with the Governor’s Office, CEOs/Directors, and other leadership experts at the various events and ‘touchpoints’
Why should I consider applying for this program?
Participants will be able to:
- Build authentic working relationships with peers through mentorship, peer learning, and networking by committing to and fully participating in the SALC Program.
- Foster a culture of collaborative problem-solving and learning through Communities of Practice (CoPs), learning pods, and affinity groups.
- Improve your leadership skills, increase your knowledge, and grow your professional network.
- Be an active participant in breaking down silos that exist in state government and embedding the desired collective impact approach.
Who are the current members of SALC?
There are 81 members that represent 29 agencies, boards, and commissions. SALC members can be found HERE.
We intend to add another 30-60 members in FY25.(2024)
Who runs the program?
The program is run and overseen (a partnership) by the Governor’s Office, the Government Transformation Office, and the Arizona Department of Administration.
Can I speak with a current participant?
To speak with a SALC member, please email [email protected] with your request and information. A SALC member will contact you.
How many new participants will be accepted?
A goal of 60 participants will be accepted into this year's SALC program (2024).
One group will attend the fourth cohort on August 12-14, 2024, and the other will attend the cohort on October 22-24, 2024. The participants will receive their group assignment along with their acceptance letter.